The Down Syndrome Education Series was launched in October 2014. Each month, a speaker in the field of Down syndrome education, health care, or research is brought to Omaha to present information to DSA members that will positively impact the well-being of their children.
The program received a Global Down Syndrome Foundation Educational Grant and continues to receive funding from local philanthropists and corporations.
The series was created as our unconventionally-formatted conference, and will bring in speakers that one could expect to find at one of the major 3-day DS conferences across the nation.
Sessions are held at 6:30 PM at DSA unless otherwise noted on the DSA calendar. We invite DSA families, educators, therapists, healthcare workers, students, and other professionals to attend. Occasionally, a separate afternoon presentation may be offered to educators, therapists, healthcare workers, students, and other professionals in order to ensure the best delivery of the material being covered.
Sessions are free but please register through our events calendar.
*Childcare is not provided. With the exception of infants, we request that you do not bring children to the presentations.
Speaker & topics for 2024 include:
February - T.B.A.
March - Topic: Strategies for Preventing and Managing Challenging Behavior for School-Aged Children
August - T.B.A.
September - Math Interventions & Strategies
October - Potty Training
November - Children's Hospital Down Syndrome Program & Pediatric Guidelines
December - DS 101 for Educators
Speaker & topics for the 2023 year include:
February - Transitioning from Grade School to Middle School
June - Strategies to Promote Positive Behaviors with Stacy Taylor
July - Preparing the Team Beyond the IEP (All About Me worksheets)
Speaker & topics for the 2022 year include:
June-August DSA may introduce special engagement speakers/events, T.B.D.
DSES Lunch & Learn April: Breastfeeding
DSES Lunch & Learn - Home is Where You Hang Your Hat
Speaker & topics for the 2021 year include:
September - Global Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down syndrome
Series Educativas sobre el Síndrome de Down Programa 2021
Speaker & topics for the 2020 year include:
July - Smart Gen Society
August - Smart Gen Society
Speaker and topics for the 2019 year include:
February - Transitions
November - Make/Take Holiday Gifts
Speaker and topics for the 2018 year include:
February - Postponed due to weather
Speaker and topics for the 2017 year include:
Speaker and topics for the 2015-2016 year include:
Susan Ellis, Visual Learning
Dennis McGuire, Fostering Independence
Nebraska Medicaid