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Circles II (21 and over)

Monday, November 2, 2020
4:00 pm5:00 pm
RSVP for a Zoom link

Classes for 21 and over are post-poned until Dec. Please email program coordinator for more info.

DSA is proud to introduce Circles classes to members. Circles has all new videos, booklets, and learning tools in 2020! The Circles Curriculum teaches boundaries and relationship-specific behaviors, using a simple multi-layer circle diagram. The Down Syndrome Alliance class series - "Circles II" - is open to young adults and adults over 21 and over who have an intellectual disabilities who have taken Circles I before and are ready to expand on each Circle. The most prevalent expansion topic is about relationships and how they can change A.K.A. "moving Circles" Ex.: When does an acquaintance become a friend? What different Circle would a friend go in if they betrayed your trust? Each class will focus on a different colored circle so please plan for students to attend all 3 classes in the series.